What Is Google Ad Manager ?

What Is Google AD Manager (GAM) ? Know About Google AD Manager.

Google Ad Manager is a comprehensive and sophisticated ad management platform that provides publishers with all the tools they need to sell and manage their advertising inventory.

Know About What Is Google Ad Manager ?
What Is Google Ad Manager ?

The hybridized version of DoubleClick For Publishers & Google Ad Exchange
Since GAM is a merger of older Google products to create a more seamless process to increase ad revenue & manage campaigns, it’s useful to take a quick look at those products, especially DFP. So, what is Google DoubleClick For Publishers? It’s an all-in-one publisher ad inventory management solution and Google’s trademark ad server for managing all of a publisher’s advertising.

We’ve written extensively on the ins and outs of Google’s DFP ad server so you can get the most value out of your ad inventory.
Google Ad Exchange is often referred to as the premium version of AdSense. With Ad Exchange, publishers get access to premium advertising brands, a programmatic exchange, and advanced optimization tools. Find out more about our approach to optimizing Google Ad Exchange here.

GAM the most popular publisher monetization platform?

Google Ad Manager is a platform that brings the best of DoubleClick Ad Exchange and DoubleClick For Publishers into a unified account. In an age where publishers have evolved into multi-platform content creators, Google believes that their new branding better reflects the platform’s expanded capabilities. In GAM, all your ad campaigns are created & managed with automated reporting available 24/7 to analyze & review performance.

Is Google Ad Manager an ad server with multiple features?

With Google Ad Manager you can run all types of campaigns, whether it’s guaranteed or not on a programmatic basis with their waterfall of EBDA auction frameworks. The platform also provides an optimized competition feature that lets you maximize ad inventory yield across open auctions, reserved and private marketplace deals. It’s a complete platform that allows publishers to earn more ad revenue no matter how they sell their ad inventory.

GAM’s got a tag for each ad unit which is embedded onto the publisher’s websites & apps. Whenever someone shows up on the site or app, the ad tag will communicate with the ad server for an ad request. The ad server then delivers the ad once the ad campaign meets Google Ad Manager’s criteria. By using the built-in customizable reports, you can determine what units serve which inventory, how much ad revenue is projected, and a lot more.

Google Ad Sense vs Google Ad Manager

Difference Between Google AdSense vs Google Ad Manager ?
Google AdSense vs Google Ad Manager

Google AdSense is best suited for starter publishers while Google Ad Manager is catered towards premium and enterprise-level publishers. GAM offers granular controls and supports many ad networks and ad exchanges including AdSense, AdX, third-party exchanges, and third-party networks. In fact, publishers can use both GAM and AdSense together to make more money.

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